There is some basic functionality that requires some tools provided by Turbine. All turbine files are included to make sure the plugin can import these tools and work correctly.
It is likely something went wrong with the placement on the files in the plugins folder. There should be a PrimePlugins folder containing all the .plugin files and a Turbine folder in your plugins folder.
If the plugin compendium updates the plugin during the verification process from LotroInterface, it will fail to properly update. Wait for the verification process to complete and try again. To see if the verification process is ongoing, go to the plugin page on the website; it will be mentioned at the top of the page.
In the options panel on the settings page, there is a button to reset the settings.
Please don't do this; other people can learn from your questions.
Spread the word and help others. Make a blood sacrifice to Rolo during the next full moon. I also have a patreon where you can leave a tip.
Sometimes when the game does not close correctly, plugindata files can become corrupted or saved incorrectly. When this happens, the data within this file is gone. The plugin will automatically detect if this is the case and generate a new version of the file. Sadly, you cannot recover this information. When this happens, you will see a message in chat that the plugin has generated a new file.
I don't want to maintain 5 different download links. If you don't want certain plugins, don't load them.
To avoid API issues that have to do with bugs in getting data about your party from the API.
Not really, probably. Go ahead and try; if it does not work, you know the cause. I have no interest in translating the plugin. I really do appreciate the help for languages I don't speak, but it is not going to happen.
Using plugins will always incur a cost on the game's performance due to issues in the API. The biggest of which revolve around interacting with targets. If you are signifciant issues with performance make sure you are not using any tools that interact with targets. The most common tool that does this is the target window. Disable this tool in the options panel on the target window page. PrimeUI can also use target information, these PrimeUI can be disabled.
When targets issues are out of scope a big performance problem can from memory usage. The plugin is built on keeping the memory usage as low as possible, far below any other plugins that might seem they do not use a lot. If you are suspecting this to be an issue report it in the #bug-report channel. Before doing this make sure the problems still occur after all plugins are disabled after a fresh start.
This happens because of the memory buildup that needs to be released by the game.
Check if your vitals are from the Prime Vitals plugin. Prime vitals, while being provided in the same download, is not integrated into the prime plugin. To move these vitals go to the plugins manager, browse to the prime vitals plugin, go to the options tab and click on move. Remember to press move again to lock the position in place.
Target effects are not accurate and can cause performance problems. For that reason the target effects options are limited on purpose as it is either not possible or can cause issues for performance.
You can export a PrimeUI string. To do this browse to the PrimeUI options tab in the options panel. Select your PrimeUI and click on export PrimeUI. This opens a window with the export string. Copy this export string and share it.
You can import PrimeUI strings. To do this browse to the PrimeUI options tab in the options panel. Click on import PrimeUI. Paste the PrimeUI string into the window. Note: this can cause the game to hang for a bit When the text appears click on import. The import can fail on a few points. 1: The primeUI string is incorrect. 2: A primeUI with this name already exists. You can override the PrimeUI in this case. 3: The PrimeUI has a code block, this will prompt the user if they are sure if they want to import this UI. This is done to avoid people sneaking in bad code without any notice.
If you are copying a PrimeUI directly from discord without downloading the file it can change special characters for some people. The way to avoid this issues is download the txt file, open it and copy the PrimeUI string from there.
In the options page for the PrimeUI you can click on the move button. Make sure you click on move again to lock the positions. Or you can browse to the move primeUI options on the prime button menu.
It is common that PrimeUIs have loading paramaters to avoid UI being loaded where it is not needed or has no effect. Check if there are any loading parameters for the PrimeUI you are having issues with. Put your character in the position where these parameters apply or disable them to activate the PrimeUI.
To avoid performance issues the effect database is not loaded by default. To open your effects database go to the options panel on the settings page. Tick enable data collection to start collecting new effects. Your database version is only active as long as you have this option active. When you disable this option the basic effect set will be active again.
See the tutorials section.